So today's workout was a good one.
Warm Up: 5 min jog
10 push ups
15 deadlifts with 20kg barbell
25 boxjumps
50 assisted pull-ups, weight at 55kg
100 squats
200 mountain climbers
400m row.
This took about 30 mins
To finish I did:
2 sets of 5 20 sec hill sprints.
I was at incline of 10 and speed of 10-11kpm.
20 secs sprint, 20 sec rest with a minute in between the sets.
I was kind of disappointed with my endurance. This is the first time I've done hill sprints in months and I am amazed how quickly my endurance has decreased. I used to be able to do 3 sets, and incline 11 or 12 and at speed 12kph. I'm looking forward to getting back to that level. It just showed me how much an impact not working out regularly can have on the body.
I finished with a cool down 5 min walk and some stretching.